November 9, 2023 – November 14, 2023
~ Coming Home to the Heart:
Embodying Compassion and Wisdom ~
Retreat is sponsored by Copper Beach Institute and takes place in Madison CT.
With Kate Mitcheom and Lucia McBee.
IDEAL FOR: All Levels
Just as a bird needs two wings to fly, mindfulness practice in the Buddhist tradition requires both awareness and compassion in order to take flight. Clear seeing and wisdom allow us to know our hearts and minds, as well as the nature of reality. Compassion connects us to everyone and everything, cultivating an open heart towards ourselves and the suffering of all sentient beings. Combined, these two wings create a perfect and interdependent balance between stillness and movement, emptiness and fullness, and inward seeking and outward giving. This retreat will offer support and guidance as we deepen our practice of embodied compassion and wisdom.
This 5-day silent retreat is an opportunity to cultivate and embody awareness and compassion and is appropriate for beginners or experienced meditators. The retreat offers daily instruction from dawn to dusk, daily Dharma talks and teacher support, community building in silence through practice – book ended by opportunities to connect in small groups at the beginning and the end of the retreat. An emphasis will be placed on movement practices and accessible yoga that focus on the inter-play between the mind and body.
This retreat fulfills a requirement for MBSR teacher training.
What to expect on a Silent Retreat
Registration Options:
Commuter – $1150 (Includes tuition and meals)
Shared bedroom, shared bathroom – $1,750.(Includes tuition, meals, and accommodation)
Private Bedroom, Private Bath – $2150 (Includes tuition, meals, and accommodation)