Baby doves, commitment and a cherry tree

This spring a mother dove chose the cherry tree right outside our kitchen window to make a nest.  Now I know it’s “just” nature, but that mother dove, and apparently the father dove also, sat on those eggs for weeks through the nastiest April weather we have had in history.


One morning I woke up to see only her shape under 5 inches of snow.  Being a well-intentioned and sometimes misguided humanoid, I wanted to go out and brush her off.  Of course I restrained myself but it took a lot of effort not to “help”.



It appeared off for this mother dove to place her nest 5 feet from the ground where squirrels jumped and played but once again, nature knew more than I.  Now that her babies have hatched, they are safely sequestered under a blanket of blossoms.


I have been married 35 years this September and  raised, with my husband, 3 amazing offspring..  I know something about commitment, yet it still amazes me, the willingness to forgo oodles of one’s own comfort for another who is loved.  All this often without even a thought of “if not for_____, I could have______ or be doing___”

I keep trying to take a picture to share, especially now that the babies have feathers and appear to be about the size of a tennis ball but every photo I take hides them.  They  blend in so well with the bark of the cherry tree.  So I will share a photo but you probably will just have to enjoy the blossoms on this rainy morning and trust that she and they are there, nesting in the rain, ready to fly off one day soon.