MBSR Shoreline

Full 8-week series: April 4 – June 13

MBSR Shoreline Evening with Kate Mitcheom

Sponsored by the Copper Beech Institute
and ideal for all levels, including beginners.
Approved for 27 Hours of Continuing Education Credits

Mindfulness is a way of learning to relate directly to whatever is happening in your life. It is a way of taking charge of your life, a way of doing something for yourself that no one else can do for you – consciously and systematically working with your own stress, pain, illness, and the challenges and demands of everyday life. Restoring within yourself a balanced sense of well-being requires increased awareness of all aspects of self, including body and mind, heart and soul. Mindfulness-based stress reduction is intended to ignite this inner capacity and infuse your life with awareness.

Mandatory Orientation – Wednesday, April 4, 2018, 6:30–8 p.m.

Class Dates – 8 Wednesdays: April 18, 25, May 2, 9, 16, 30, June 6, 13 (Skipping May 23)
Class Time – 6:30–9 p.m. with the first class extended by a half hour and last class by one hour

All Day Retreat: Saturday, June 2, 9:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m.

Mandatory Orientation
As a first step toward enrollment in the Course in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, we conduct a pre-program Orientation Session before the start of class. This Orientation Session is required of all participants before beginning the program. During this session you will have the opportunity to:
– Learn about Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction and explore whether it is right for you
– Experience, first-hand, mindfulness methods and approaches you will be learning during the program
– Meet with your program instructor for a brief, informal conversation about MBSR
At the conclusion of the orientation, if you and your instructor discern that the MBSR course is a good fit for you, the balance of your registration is due. If you choose to withdraw, your full $100 deposit will be refunded.

$650 for household income of $50,000+
$575 for household income of $40-$49K
$475 for household income of $39K & under


April 04, 2018 06:30 PM


June 13, 2018 09:00 PM


Mercy By The Sea
167 Neck Road
Madison, CT, 06443