MBSR Research Papers – UMASS CFM

The following list of publications is reproduced from UMASS Center for Mindfulness.  Check here for the most up to date list:

van Lutterveld, R., Houlihan, S. D., Pal, P., Sacchet, M. D., McFarlane-Blake,  C., Patel, P. R., Sullivan, J. S., Ossadtchi, A., Druker, S., Bauer, C., Brewer, J. A., (2016) “Source-space EEG neurofeedback links subjective experience with brain activity during effortless awareness meditation” NeuroImage (in press).

van Lutterveld, R.,Brewer, J. A., (2015) “Neurofeedback from the Posterior Cingulate Cortex as a Mental Mirror for Meditation” Biofeedback 43(3):117-120.

Good, D., Lyddy, C., Glomb, T., Bono, J., Brown, K. W., Duffy, M., Baer, R., Brewer, J. A., Lazar, S. (2015)  “Contemplating Mindfulness at Work: An Integrative Review.” Journal of Management (in press).

Brewer, J. A. and Pbert, L., (2015) “Mindfulness: An emerging treatment for smoking and other addictions?” J. Fam. Med. 2(4): 1035.

Fulwiler, C., Brewer, J. A., Sinnott, S., Loucks, E. B., (2015) “Mindfulness-Based Interventions for Weight Loss and CVD Risk Management” Current Cardiovascular Risk Reports 9(10):1-8.

Loucks, E. B., Schuman-Olivier, Z., Britton, W. B., Fresco, D. M., Debordes, G., Brewer, J. A., Fulwiler, C.(2015) “Mindfulness and Cardiovascular Disease Risk: State of the Evidence, Plausible Mechanisms, and Theoretical Framework” Current Cardiology Reports 17:112.

Loucks, E. B., Britton, W. B., Howe, C. J., Gutman, R., Gilman, S. E., Brewer, J. A., Eaton, C. B., Buka, S. L. (2015) “Associations of dispositional mindfulness with obesity and adiposity: the New England family study” Int J Behav Med (in press).

Van Dam, N. T., Brown, A., Mole, T. B., Davis, J. H., Britton, W. B. and Brewer, J. A. (2015) “Development and Validation of the Behavioral Tendencies Questionnaire.” PLoS ONE 10(11): e0140867. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0140867.

Garrison, K. M., Zeffiro, T. A., Scheionost, D., Constable, R. T., and Brewer, J. A. (2015) “Meditation leads to reduced default mode network activity beyond an active task” Cognitive Affective Behavioral Neuroscience (in press).

Garrison, K. M., Pal, P., Rojiani, R., Dallery, J., O’Malley, S. S., and Brewer, J. A. (2015) “A randomized controlled trial of smartphone-based mindfulness training for smoking cessation: a study protocol” BMC Psychiatry15:83.

Brewer, J. A., (2014) “Mindfulness in the Military.Am. J. Psychiatry 171: 803-6.

Garrison, K. M., Scheinost, D., Constable, R. T., Brewer, J. A. “Neural activity and functional connectivity of loving kindness meditation.” Brain and Behavior PMC: 4(3) 337-347. open access journal

Brewer, J. A. Garrison, K. M., and Whitfield-Gabrieli, S. (2013) “What about the ‘self’ is processed in the posterior cingulate cortex?Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7: 647

Garrison, K. M., Santoyo, J. F., Davis, J. H., Thornhill IV, T. A., Thompson, Kerr, C. E., Brewer, J. A. (2013) “Effortless awareness: using real-time neurofeedback to probe correlates of posterior cingulate cortex activity in meditators’ self-report.Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7: 440.

Schuman-Olivier, Z., Hoeppner, B., Evins, A. E., Brewer, J. A. (2013) “Finding the right match: Mindfulness training may potentiate the therapeutic effect of non-judgment of inner experience on smoking cessation.” Substance Use and Misuse (in press).

Brewer, J. A. and Garrison, K. M. (2014) “The posterior cingulate cortex as a plausible mechanistic target of meditation: Findings from neuroimaging.”  Annals of NYAS 1307(1): 19-27. (Download PDF)

Garrison, K. M., Scheinost, D., Worhunsky, P. D., Elwafi, H. M., Thornhill IV, T. A., Thompson, E., Saron, C., Desbordes, G., Kober, H., Hampson, M., Gray, J. R., Constable, R. T., Papademetris, X., J. A. Brewer. (2013) “Real-time fMRI links subjective experience with brain activity during focused attention.NeuroImage81:110-118.

Elwafi, H. M., Witkiewitz, K., Mallik, S., Thornhill, T. A., Brewer, J. A., “Mechanisms of mindfulness training in smoking cessation: moderation of the relationship between craving and cigarette use.Drug and Alcohol Dependence 130(1-3): 222-29.

Brewer, J. A., Davis, J. H., Goldstein, J. (2013) “Why is it so hard to pay attention, or is it? Mindfulness, the factors of awakening and reward-based learning.Mindfulness 4: 75-80. (Download PDF)

Brewer, J. A., Elwafi, H. M., Davis, J. H. (2013) “Craving to Quit: psychological models and neurobiological mechanisms of mindfulness training as treatment for addictions.Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 27 (2): 366-79.   (Download PDF)

Libby, D. J., Worhunsky, P. D., Pilver, C. E., J. A. Brewer.  (2012) “Meditation-induced changes in high-frequency heart rate variability predict smoking outcomes.Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6:54.

Brewer, J. A., P. D. Worhunsky, J. R. Gray, YY Tang, J. Weber, H. Kober. (2011) “Meditation experience is associated with differences in default mode network activity and connectivity.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

Brewer, J. A., S. Mallik, T. A. Babuscio, C. Nich, H. E. Johnson, C. M. Deleone, C. A. Minnix-Cotton, S. Byrne, H. Kober, A. Weinstein, K. M. Carroll, B. J. Rounsaville. (2011) “Mindfulness Training for smoking cessation: results from a randomized controlled trial.” Drug and Alcohol Dependence.

Brewer, J. A., Smith, J. T., S. Bowen, G. A. Marlatt, M. N. Potenza, (2010) “Applying Mindfulness-Based Treatments to Co-Occurring Disorders: What Can We Learn From the Brain?” Addiction (in Press).

Brewer, J. A., R. Sinha, J. A. Chen, R. N. Michalsen, T. A. Babuscio, C. Nich, A. Grier, K. L. Bergquist, D. L. Reis, M. N. Potenza, K. M. Carroll, B. J. Rounsaville (2009), “Mindfulness Training and Stress Reactivity in Substance Abuse: Results from A Randomized, Controlled Stage I Pilot Study.” Substance Abuse 30 (4): 306-17.

Brewer, J. A., J. E. Grant, and M. N. Potenza. (2008) “The Treatment of Pathologic Gambling.Addictive Disorders and Their Treatment 7(1): 1-13.

Brewer, J. A. and M. N. Potenza. (2008) “The neurobiology and genetics of impulse control disorders: Relationships to drug addictions.Biochemical Pharmacology 75: 63-75.

Brewer, J. A., P. D. Worhunsky, K. M. Carroll, B. J. Rounsaville, M. N. Potenza (2008) “Pre-Treatment Brain Activation During Stroop Task is Associated with Treatment Outcomes in Cocaine Dependent Patients.” Biological Psychiatry (11): 998-1004.

Grant, J., E., J. A. Brewer, M. N. Potenza, (2006) “Neurobiology of Substance and Behavioral Addictions.”CNS Spectrums 11(12):924-30.