Partner Gazing

dreamstime_s_12658279Out beyond our ideas of wrongdoing and right-doing there is a field
I will meet you there
When the soul lies down in that grass
The world is too full to talk about
Ideas, language, even the words each other
Doesn’t make any sense.


(Working with a partner, take turns either with a hand on their back or shoulder or gazing at them with their eyes closed, then switch)

Know that this person before you has had the full range of human experience
They have known joy and they have known sorrow
They have known grief

They have known success and they have known failure
They have been praised and they have been blamed
There have been times of gain and times of loss

They have known sickness and they have known health
They have known bodily pain and they have bodily pleasure
They have known agitation and they have known calm

They have known love and they have known hatred
They have known friendship and they have known loneliness
They have known passion and they have known indifference

They have known loyalty and they have known betrayal
They have known kindness and they have known cruelty
They have known beauty and they have known ugliness

There are things that they are proud of and things they are ashamed of
They have known fear and they have known courage

All the experiences that a human being is capable of this person has probably known.
The circumstances may have been different, but the feelings much the same.

(It is helpful to end with awareness of breath or loving kindness meditation)