The Question of the Mouse

This reading was shared by a participant in Kate’s online meditation sessions, who explained it was “a piece from my favorite children’s book.”

The Question of the Mouse

One day in summer a little mouse and a hedgehog sat on the grass under a tree.
The little mouse wondered: what is it all about?
Is it all about ….
Collecting as many nuts as possible,
so you can save nuts for when you are old?
Traveling as often as possible and as far as possible,
so you can return home?
Making as many friends as possible,
so you’re never alone?
Or learning as much as possible,
so you know everything.
Or is it maybe that you do as little as possible,
so you do not get tired?
The hedgehog sat silently next to the little mouse and thought,
And thought,
And finally said: It is about giving attention!
Giving attention? asked the little mouse, for what?
Giving attention to the nuts you collect,
Giving attention to the trips you make,
Giving attention to the friends you have (love and care),
Giving attention to the things you learn (hear, see and read),
And when doing nothing, to do just that, doing noting, said the hedgehog.
The mouse smiled,
As much as possible?
As much as possible!