Seven Day Online Silent Retreat

April 3rd-10th, 2020

Beginning at 3 PM on April 3rd and ending at 11 AM on April 10th

This online silent retreat is intended to replace the “Deepening Your Practice” seven day silent retreat, scheduled for the same dates in April at the Won Dhama Center. This online course is co-sponsored by the Mindfulness Center at Brown University.Brown and fulfills the requirement for the teacher training pathway. 

This retreat will be assisted by Lucia McBee LCSW, MPH, CYI

Description of the Online Silent Retreat

I will structure the retreat the same as an in person meaning that we would start at 7 AM and. End at 9 PM (except for opening and closing days) and we would have a schedule similar to the in-person retreat: walking, movement, sitting and meals and work time along with an evening dharma talk and individual and group interviews.

If you live with others you will need to get their commitment to cooperate so that you can remain in silence as much as possible if not completely.  
This retreat will no doubt offer some new challenges but it also will provide the possibility of seeing how we live while practicing.  The schedule will be rigorous with seamless practices the same way it would be if you were to go away.  

I will speak ahead of time with those of you participating so we can anticipate factors that could interfere.  

FAQ about Online Silent Retreat

What if we need to go outside of the house?  

We will give clear parameters for retreating in the world rather than in seclusion.   We will ask participants to get food and supplies ready ahead of time so that driving and shopping would not be necessary during the retreat.  There will be specific times during the day for mindful food preparation and hygiene. 

Could you provide a phone number so that loved ones could call in case of emergency? That way our phones can remain turned off?  

Absolutely.  I will give you my number to pass along to family should they need to reach you.  One of the challenges will be refraining from using the computer for anything other than our live online retreat.  Phones should be turned off and put away

Would you keep up updated on the COVID-19 if something drastic were to happen nationwide? 

Definitely yes.  While this retreat will provide seclusion from the daily news, should something arise that is imminent you would be notified in a timely fashion.

Cost of Retreat: $600

Scholarships available for those with financial hardship due to Covid-19. Contact Kate to discuss.