Dear Friends,
We are coming to the time of the year where there is a balance of light and dark—the equinox!
It is a time of harvesting that which you and mother nature have sown, a time to pause and reflect on all the gifts we have been given.
If you are like me, you have been eating as many tomatoes and peaches as possible before the season is past.
When we practice in times of transition like the equinox, it is useful to pause, taking time to note the abundance that is present in our lives and planting seeds for that which we wish to manifest going forward.
Because of our humanness, we often focus on what we don’t have rather than what we do have, but don’t squander your life in that realm. We are better than that.
Many years ago, I gave birth to my second son on September 22nd. Though he and I waited well past his due date, it was worth it. He is one of my 3 gifts of life.
When the kids were small we read a book about little mice who were working hard to gather nuts for the cold winter. One little mouse just sat around savoring the beauty of fall. Everyone was mad at him, but it turns out that as they gathered nuts, he gathered stories that in the end helped them all get through the cold winter when the food was gone.
We all have special ways of blessing others. Now is a good time to consider those.
One final offering: according to Greek history, the autumnal equinox was celebrated at the time the goddess Persephone returned to the underworld to be with Hades. Maybe this is a time for the goddess to return and reign with the scales tipped to justice and peace…just a thought. 🙂
Till we meet again next month, be well and take care of yourself: mind, body and heart. It may be a wild couple of weeks. Stay balanced and trust.
“Balanced and at ease”
A practice to rest in the present moment
Find a sacred place, maybe near a tree or in the forest, gazing at the sea or a mountain or the falling leaves. Quiet down, find your breath and feel your body.
Say, “My home is here in the present moment, grounded on the earth and balanced in my body, mind and heart. May I find peace and ease regardless of external circumstances.” Invite the bodymind to still.
Let the music take you in:
Song: Eva Cassidy’s beautiful cover of Sting’s “Fields of Gold”
Repeat: “My home is here in the present moment, grounded on the earth and balanced in my body, mind and heart. May I find peace and ease regardless of external circumstances.” Invite the bodymind to still. Feel what it is like to rest in the balanced space of the present moment.
Play the rocks (45 seconds) – A recording from the shores of St John, USVI, where we will travel again in January 2025.
Repeat: “My home is here in the present moment, grounded on the earth and balanced in my body, mind and heart. May I find peace and ease regardless of external circumstances.” Invite the bodymind to still. Feel what it is like to rest in the balanced space of the present moment.

A song, if you missed it above: