Equanimity during the holidays

~Evenness of mind especially under stress~

Hello lovely friends,

At this time of year when we gather with family whom we treasure deeply (and who may present opportunities to practice evenness of mind and ease with ever-changing circumstances), the Equanimity Practice can be most valuable.

The practice, found on the Meditations page of my website, includes phrases to tuck in your back pocket in case Auntie Edna asks you questions you’d rather not answer. 🙂

Listen as often as you wish, and download to your device for easy access as you move with grace through the holidays.


Listen to Equanimity Practice – 8 minute guided meditation

The Equanimity Practice includes four phrases:

  • May I accept things as they are
  • May I accept others as they are
  • May I accept myself as I am
  • May I be at ease with ever changing circumstances

Remember – acceptance does not mean to agree with or condone. It just means “I see it is here and I will not suffer more by denying and constricting around what already is.”

If you only have time for one phrase over the holidays, pick the 4th. It reminds us that all things change. What is won’t last.  Can we ride the wave until the storm is over?  Or at least calms down?

Equanimity in the holiday season – or any time – is possible with practice.