Honoring the gifts our mothers gave us,
Forgiving the unskillful
(which we are all working to mediate), and
Celebrating the Kind Attending we can give to ourselves.
Dear Friends,
I always teach yoga on Mother’s Day.
When we end, I ask each participant to say their mother’s name aloud as a way of bringing them (metaphorically speaking) into the room.
With any luck, we have also learned through our Mindfulness Practice to mother ourselves.
Sometimes we forget to have our own back. A simple practice is to quietly say to yourself in times of confusion or suffering, “I am here for you.” “No matter what, I will not abandon you.”
Placing a hand on the heart, taking a few breaths. We are learning to mother ourselves.
The song, linked below, is one we can sing to ourselves as we cultivate kind attending toward ourselves in our practice.
“To comfort you and get you through,
through when your nights are lonely,
through when your dreams are only blue,
This is to mother you.”
And when you just need to change the channel because it’s time to shift the mood –
Get up and move!
I have been dancing to this video with my 3-year-old grandsons Max and Charlie and 5-year-old Molly. Let it all go and move your body like this. I dare you to stay in your seat and stop smiling!
So I wish you all a good Mother’s Day. Love yourself like no one else can.